
Quickly frees the air conditioning of unpleasant odors that are caused by bacteria and mold in air conditioning systems, ventilation ducts or vehicle interiors. Simple to use without removal of the pollen or dust filter. Promotes a pleasantly fresh aroma.

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For cleaning vehicle air conditioning systems and vehicle interiors. On vehicles with ionization device or ionizer, this function must be switched off before use.

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75, ml


Start, engine, and, switch, on, air, conditioning, (A/C)., Set, the, temperature, regulator, to, “cold”, and, set, the, air, distribution, to, windshield, (top), maximum, output, and, circulating, air., If, the, vehicle, is, equipped, with, an, ionization, device, or, ionizer, this, function, must, be, switched, off, before, use., Shake, can, vigorously, before, use, and, use, the, box, to, position, it, in, the, intake, area, of, the, air, circulation, system, (usually, the, front, passenger, footwell, or, center, console), so, that, the, can, sprays, upwards, with, no, obstruction., Actuate, the, spray, head, with, the, windows, closed, leave, the, vehicle, and, close, the, doors., Open, the, doors, after, 10, min, switch, off, the, engine, and, ventilate, the, interior, of, the, vehicle, for, approx., 10, min.


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