Top Tec 1200 ATF


Synthetic technology automatic transmission oil of the latest generation. Prevents build-up of harmful deposits. Arrive at your destination faster and safer with maximum transmission performance and power reserves. Exceeds the highest test requirements demanded by renowned manufacturers. Ensures exact friction behavior and guarantees outstanding ageing resistance. Highest lubrication security under all conditions. Secures the functional performance of the aggregate and ensures long service life. With advanced wear-protection technology.

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For automatic transmissions, manual shift transmission, steering systems, hydraulic and lateral drives both in the car and in the commercial vehicle sector. Use according to the aggregate or car and transmission manufacturer’s prescribed specifications.

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1, Liter

Oil Type

Synthesis, technology


The, specifications, and, instructions, from, the, unit, or, vehicle, manufacturer, must, be, followed., Top, Tec, ATF, 1200, can, also, be, used, for, refilling, systems, in, which, traditional, ATF, oils, are, used., Optimum, effectiveness, however, is, only, possible, when, the, product, is, used, on, its, own, (i.e., no, mixing).


Allison, C4, Dexron, III, H, Ford, Mercon, V, Honda, ATF, Z1, (ausser, CVT), Hyundai, SP-II, Hyundai, SP-III, JASO, 1-A, Kia, SP-II, Kia, SP-III, Mazda, ATF, M-III, Mazda, ATF, M-V, Mitsubishi, SP-II, Mitsubishi, SP-III, Nissan, AT-Matic, D, Fluid, Nissan, AT-Matic, J, Fluid, Nissan, AT-Matic, K, Fluid, Toyota, Type, T-II, Toyota, Type, T-IV


Allison, TES, 295, BMW, 7045, E, BMW, 8072, B, BMW, LA, 2634, BMW, LT, 71141, Caterpillar, TO-2, Chrysler, ATF, +3, Chrysler, ATF, +4, Daimler, NAG-1, JWS, 3309, (Aisin, Warner), MAN, 339, Typ, V1, MAN, 339, Typ, Z1, MAN, 339, Typ, Z2, MB, 236.2, MB, 236.5, MB, 236.6, MB, 236.7, MB, 236.9, MB, 236.10, MB, 236.11, Subaru, ATF, Voith, H55.6335.XX, (G, 607), Volvo, 97340, Volvo, 97341, VW, G, 052, 162, VW, G, 052, 990, VW, G, 055, 025, ZF, TE-ML, 02F, ZF, TE-ML, 03D, ZF, TE-ML, 04D, ZF, TE-ML, 05L, ZF, TE-ML, 09, ZF, TE-ML, 11A, ZF, TE-ML, 11B, ZF, TE-ML, 14A, ZF, TE-ML, 14B, ZF, TE-ML, 17C


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